Toasted Walnut Salad

Tokyo Toss

Tomato and Basil Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Tomato-Basil Soup

Tortellini Salad With Sun-Dried Tomato Dressing


Tri-Colored Pasta With Scallops

Two-Sauce Lasagna

Tropical Fruit Salad

Tuna-Noodle Casserole

Turkey "Crepes"

Two Layer Fudge

Unbaked Cookies

Vanilla Fudge

Vassar Fudge Recipe

Veal Imperial

Vegan Peanut Butter Fudge

Vegetable dip

Vegetable Sticks

Veggie Cheese Bake

Velveeta Cheese Fudge

Venetian Cocoa Tiramisu

Venison Stew

Veal Croquettes

Wacky Cake

Recipe 9
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Many of my recipes from Nick Sundberg

If looking for no sugar try Splenda

Wagon Train Beans

Walnut-Lemon Tart

Wellesley College Fudge

White Chocolate Cream Pie with Raspberries with Splenda

White chocolate mouse

Who's There Meringue Bars

Wild Rice And Shiitake Mushroom Pilaf

Woodford Pudding Cake with Vanilla Sauce

Yam Pecan Pie

Yuletide Cookies

Zucchini Patties

Zucchini, Sour Cream and Jack Cheese Bake

