Tokyo Toss
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Tokyo Toss

6 servings/Serving size: 1/6 recipe

1/4 cup peanut oil
2 Tbsp white vinegar
2 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp ketchup
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup chopped onions
1 pkg (10 oz) fresh spinach, trimmed
1 pkg (8 oz) fresh sliced mushrooms

1.      In a blender or food processor, combine all the ingredients except the spinach and mushrooms; blend until smooth.

2.      In a large salad bowl, combine the spinach, mushrooms, and dressing mixture; toss well and serve.


Exchanges Per Serving:
Fat Exchange -- 2
Vegetable Exchange -- 1
Calories -- 107
Calories from Fat -- 84
Total Fat -- 9g
Saturated Fat -- 2g
Cholesterol -- 0mg
Sodium -- 239mg
Carbohydrate -- 5g
Dietary Fiber -- 2g
Sugars -- 2g
Protein -- 2g


If you have copyright on the recipe please email me.