Two-Sauce Lasagna
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Two-Sauce Lasagna

Makes 8 servings

15 lasagna noodles
2 cups béchamel sauce (See below)
2 eight-ounce skinless chicken breasts, sautéed on all sides and sliced into 1/4" slices

2 cups Bolognese sauce (See below)
1 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
1 cup freshly grated swiss cheese
10 thin slices of 97% fat-free baked ham, cut into approx. 1" x 1" squares



Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Coat a 13" x 9" baking dish with a non-stick olive oil spray.

Cook the lasagna noodles in boiling water until barely cooked and beginning to soften. (It should take less than 3 minutes). Spread them on a kitchen towel to absorb the moisture.

Cover the bottom of the baking dish with one layer of the pre-cooked lasagna and spread half of the BÈchamel sauce over the pasta. Sprinkle half of the chicken and ham slices, 1/4 of the parmesan cheese mixture and cover with a second layer of pasta. Spread half of the Bolognese sauce and 1/4 of the cheese mixture. Cover with a third layer of the pasta. Spread the remaining half of the BÈchamel sauce and the chicken and ham. Sprinkle 1/4 of the cheese mixture and cover with the last layer of the pasta. Spread the remaining half of the turkey bolognese and top with the last of the cheese.

Cover and bake for 1 hour. Let it rest for 10 minutes before serving.


If you have copyright on the recipe please email me.