Chunky Coconut, Tomato, Cucumber and Lime Relish
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Chunky Coconut, Tomato, Cucumber and Lime Relish


This is a really nice fresh salad/relish and is very simple to make. It goes especially well with Fragrant Green Chicken Curry.

16 cherry tomatoes, quartered or roughly chopped
1/2 fresh coconut, grated or shaved
1 small handful of basil, or coriander, roughly chopped
6 inches cucumber, skinned, seeds removed and roughly chopped
1 thinly sliced red chili (optional)
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 or 2 limes, juiced


Put the tomatoes, coconut, basil, cucumbers and chili, if using, into a bowl and toss. Just before serving, toss in the olive oil, salt, pepper and lime juice to taste.

Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 12 minutes
Cook Time:


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