Smooth Yummy Fudge
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Smooth Yummy Fudge


1 ½ cup heavy whipping cream
4 squares unsweetened chocolate
10 packages sweetener
½ cup creamy peanut butter
½ cup chopped pecans
1 box chocolate pudding mix


In a sauce pan on low heat combine 1 cup heavy whipping cream and the
chocolate bars. When mixture is melted, and it looks kinda speckled and not
completely blended, remove from heat. Add peanut butter, blend. Add
sweeteners, blend. It will look not like it’s not smooth at all.


Here comes the trick. Take the mixture and put it in your food processor,
and blend. (Regular beaters might work if you don't have a food processor)
It will start looking like the smoothest chocolate you've ever seen. At this
point add the pudding mix. Mixture will become really thick. Then start
adding the ½ cup of leftover heavy cream. Mixture will look thick yet
creamy. Add the pecans and mix for just a second or two to incorporate them.
Lightly spray with Pam a glass dish and wipe out excess with paper towel,
pour mixture in dish and chill in refrigerator.

If you have copyright on the recipe please email me.