Chocolate heart cake -
Torta degli innamorati
7 0z./1 cup/200 gr. butter
7 oz./200 gr. bitter chocolate
4 oz./1 cup/100 gr. sugar
1 1/2 tbsp vanilla powder
4 eggs
1 heart shaped baking tin
Melt the chocolate with the butter in the
microwave for
a minute or in a double boiler.
and stir in the egg yolks.
In the meantime whip the egg whites to stiff
with the sugar and vanilla. Fold the chocolate
into the
egg whites gently and pour the mixture into
a heart
shaped baking tin, previously buttered and
dusted in
flour. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 310°F/160°C/G2
for 25 minutes then turn off the oven and
leave the
cake inside until it cools. Can be served
with whipped
cream and decorated with strawberries or raspberries.