Butter Tarts
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Butter Tarts




5 eggs beaten                                                            ¼ lb. margarine

2 c. brown sugar                                           11/2 tsp. vanilla


beat eggs well then add brown sugar till creamy, add vanilla


divide mix into 3 parts


to one add 1 c. coconut

to one add 1 c. walnuts

to one add 1 c. raisons


or add 41/2 c. raisons to whole mix.


Pastry for tarts


2 ½ lbs. flour (10 c.)

11/2 lbs. shortening or lard

1 tsp. salt


Mix 3 ingredients well. 


6 oz. sugar ¾ c.                                 2 eggs

½ c. water

mix these 3 ingredients well and add to dry mixture.


Add more water if needed to make workable dough.  mix can be kneeded as much as you like.


Cut for muffin tins or tart ones place dough in and add the small amount of filling do not over fill.  Cook about 5-10 minutes at 350 watch don’t over cook.  I use splenda and don’t have many a treat is nice though.


If you have copyright on the recipe please email me.