Chicken Salad Tea Sandwich
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Chicken Salad Tea Sandwich


The crunch of cucumber and the herbal sweetness of dill make this chicken salad light and flavorful.

4 slices Atkins Bakery Country White Bread, crusts removed

2 1/2 ounces cooked chicken, finely chopped

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1/4 cucumber, thinly sliced



1. With a rolling pin, flatten the bread. Mix chicken, mayonnaise, dill, salt and pepper; spread on bread slices.


2. Top 2 bread slices each with half the chicken salad and half the cucumber. Top each with a slice of bread. Cut each sandwich in quarters on the diagonal.


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